What should I do if I have a trauma that involves my mouth or teeth?
Trauma to the mouth normally includes an avulsed (knocked out) tooth or severely loose teeth. In this case, call our office to be seen or to contact the doctor on call.
What should I do if my Forsus breaks, Herbst breaks, or my expander (RPE) comes loose?
Please call our office to schedule an emergency appointment to have it repaired or contact the doctor on call.
Refer to the Orthodontics 101 Page for braces terminology.
What should I do if I have a loose or broken bite plane, or lower lingual arch bar?
This is not considered an “emergency” unless the appliance is causing discomfort. If the patient is experiencing discomfort please call our office during regular office hours to schedule an appointment to replace the appliance.
What should I do if a bite turbo falls off?
This is not considered an “emergency.” If one bite turbo falls off you will be fine. If both bite turbos fall off and the patient can bite normally they may be replaced at the next scheduled appointment.
What should I do if a bracket or band comes loose?
This is not considered an “emergency” unless the loose bracket is causing pain or discomfort or to the patient. Keep your scheduled appointment and it will be repaired at that time; however, if the bracket is causing discomfort, the patient should call our office during regular office hours to schedule an appointment to replace anything that is loose. Please keep in mind that repeated broken brackets may slow your treatment time.
What should I do if a wire is poking in the gums or cheeks?
Attempt to push the wire down with a pencil eraser or if possible clip the wire with clippers. If neither is possible, cover with wax and call our office during regular office hours to schedule an appointment.
What should I do if a wire comes loose?
Try to replace the wire into the bracket or tube on the band with tweezers. If this is not possible clip the wire with clippers behind the last tooth to which it is securely fastened. The wire will be replaced at your scheduled appointment.
What should I do if a color tie comes off?
This should not affect the patient’s progress, but it will be replaced at your next scheduled appointment.
What should I do if I lose my retainer?
Please call during regular office hours to schedule an appointment to have a new retainer made. Try not to wait longer than a week as teeth may shift out of alignment.
What can I take or do for any soreness that I am experiencing?
It is normal to experience some soreness during your treatment. Warm salt water held in the mouth can reduce this soreness. An analgesic of your choice will also reduce the soreness.