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Prevention Is The Key

content written for Kirkpatrick & Lai Orthodontics

Are you in need of orthodontic care? Need to fix crooked teeth or unsightly gaps? Are you looking for an orthodontist for your children to help them get started on the right track? Tulsa orthodontists at Kirkpatrick & Lai Orthodontics can help. To schedule a free orthodontic consultation you can call 918-747-1346. For over 50 years families and individuals have been choosing Tulsa orthodontists at Kirkpatrick & Lai Orthodontics for all of their orthodontic needs.

Some times old cliches and proverbs hold a lot of truth. Even if we have heard them a thousand times they still serve as good reminders about life. Sayings like, “A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush,” “Don’t count your chickens before they hatch.” All have an element of wisdom to heed. I don’t think that anyone should make their life plan from a fortune cookie but these sayings still help us make better decisions and live happier lives.

You have probably heard the expression, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” Tulsa orthodontists at Kirpatrick & Lai Orthodontics think that is true but they also believe in “Better late than never.” Getting proper orthodontic treatment should ideally be recieved at a young age. The American Associations of Orthodontics recommends that every child should see an orthodontist by the age of 7. An appointment should be made even earlier if problems are noticed.

Orthodontic care is ideal at a young age because it helps guide the developing dental and facial structure to ideal positions. Early treatment also helps prevent the need for major surgery down the road and other health concerns. But as we said before, we also believe in, “Better late than never.” We believe that everyone of every age deserves a healthy beautiful smile. We offer early treatment, adult orthodontic care, clear braces, facial surgery referrals and much more. So no matter what your age or orthodontic need. We can help you get the smile you always wanted.

Taking care of your dental health and the dental health of your family is important. Orthodontic care helps prevent other health concerns, improves teeth function and optimizes other dental treatments. We have 5 convenient office locations to serve you. You can visit us in Tulsa, Tahlequah, Okulmogee, Pryor and Miami. It’s time for you to take care of yourself and get a beautiful smile. It’s time for you to make sure that you kids get started down the right track for dental and facial development. Give us a call today at 918-747-1346. Why put off for tomorrow what you could do today? That’s the final cliche proverb, we promise.

Over 50 Years of Trust
content written for Kirkpatrick & Lai Orthodontics

Who has been Oklahoma’s trusted source for orthodontic care for over 50 years? Tulsa orthodontists at Kirpatrick & Lai Orthodontics have been Oklahomas trusted orthodontists since 1960. We help individuals and familys get better smiles and healthier lives. You can schedule a free orthodontic consultation to get started by calling 918-747-1346 or scheduling it online. Your orthodontic care is important. Choose someone that you can trust. Tulsa orthodontists at Kirkpatrick & Lai Orthodontics have been building relationships of trust with our patients for over half of a century.

A lot has changed in 50 years. Think about it. 50 years ago you didn’t use a smart phone to check your email. 50 years ago you didn’t even have an email account to check! There have been many changes in technology, culture, politics and science. Some things have been changes for the better. Some things you wish would have stayed the same. Don’t you wish that you could have the gas prices from 50 years ago?

Yet no matter how technology might change values stay the same. Values are timeless. Values trascend a myriad of other changes to give us a compass and stability in every time of life. It is our values that we must let guide us. Pop culture trends quickly come and go. The star in the spotlight now is a faint memory tomorrow. That ‘must have’ new smartphone that you bought today will be outdated in 6 months. Or maybe next week. It’s just how life goes. But values are timeless.

We have let our values be the guiding force in our orthodontic practices since we started in 1960. Values like treating patients with respect, treating every patient as an individual and not a number, constantly learning and improving and only using the best products for our patients. These are values that have helped guide Tulsa orthodontists at Kirkpatrick & Lai Orthodontics over the years. It’s why so many individuals and families have trusted us with their orthodontic care.

Another important value for us is to always look for ways to help others. That’s why we teamed up with Royal Family Kids Camp. We saw the great work that they were doing to help abused kids in Oklahoma and wanted to help them. We started “Giving Smiles, Giving Birthdays”. For every new patient we recieve we make a $10 donation to Royal Family Kids Camp. We want to help them change the lives of abused kids by giving them hope and memorable positive experiences. So be warned. You will probably see a lot of smiles if you visit any of our 5 offices in Oklahoma. It feels good to stick to your values.